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Squint at an early age
Best contact lenses near me. Squint eye is one of the most common eye conditions detected in children. Squint eyes generally occur in young children at an early age. Some babies are born with a squint while some children develop the condition at a later stage. A developed squint eye may be the result of some kind of vision problem like short-sightedness, injuries, or due to some medical condition. In most cases, the squint eye turns inwards or outwards or turns up or down direction. A child with a squint eye condition may not be able to process information from the affected eye. Leaving it untreated may lead to visual loss in the affected eye, called amblyopia. This can be permanent damage unless treated at an early stage. Consulting a squint specialist in Mumbai is essential to prevent further loss or damage to vision. Treatment to such conditions may usually involve patching the good eye, using corrective glasses, exercise, or surgery in some cases where the condition is severe.
Causes of Squint in a child
There are different types of squint eye conditions. The cause of squint could be due to various reasons. But in some cases the cause is unknown. Given below are some common causes of squint:
- Refractive error – Refractive error is a common condition and the reason for causing squint in a child. They are visual problems that can be corrected by glasses. The most common types of refractive error are Hypermetropia(long-sightedness), Myopia (short-sightedness), and Astigmatism, which can cause blurry vision.
- Eye conditions- Squint could also be the result of congenital cataract or retinal or optic nerve conditions.
- Eye muscle problems- At times squint occurs due to eye muscle problems. Weak muscles can cause both the eye to not work together, resulting in misaligned eyes.
Effect of Squint eye on a Child’s Vision
Squint eye means the eyes are misaligned and in focusing in different directions. This causes double vision due to improper coordination of both the eyes. Further, since the vision of a child is still developing the brain tends to adapt to the condition and ignoring the vision from the squint eye. This in turn leads to suppression of the eye and resulting in poor vision. Children can easily adapt to using one eye and it may not be obvious that they have any problems with their eyes and vision. Hence it is recommended that children are taken for regular vision check-ups to the best ophthalmologist in Mumbai.
Detection of Squint eye Condition in a Child
Squint eye conditions are often noticeable. But that does not mean in all cases it is noticeable. Hence parents are advised to take their children for a routine eye check-up to an ophthalmologist in Mumbai to detect eye problems in babies and children. A routine eye screening for children should begin at the age of between 4-5 years old to ensure that their vision is good and that their eyes work together. For better understanding below given are some symptoms of squint eye condition in a child that should get you going to the squint specialist in Mumbai-
- Double vision.
- Blurred vision.
- Eye fatigue.
- Difficulty in Reading.
- Loss of depth perception.
- Crossed-eyes